Friday, July 8, 2011

I wish I had five kids

Okay, maybe not. Especially after a “special” day today which involved my five year old throwing a huge tantrum at the mall, my two year old throwing a temper tantrum at Taco Del Mar and my five year old almost injuring my baby by picking him up by his shirt. Sheesh! But when I see big families full of beautiful children I may have a tiny desire for a few more kids…

These are my cousins!

This is my youngest cousin. Fun fact, I am the oldest grandchild and she is the youngest. And we both happen to share the same birth date.6hillyer 008 19hillyer 0022hillyer 055 12hillyer 095  14hillyer 08211hillyer 115    4hillyer 029

  8hillyer 130 18hillyer 035 

      10hillyer 126 17hillyer 046 3hillyer 048    15hillyer 150


Andraea said...

Ah! Bob and Janelle's kids are GORGEOUS-- Lucy is such a sweetheart :) Whenever she's at the clinic she colours with me.

I feel super old now. I remember when Sara was a baby, and when James was born. And they're all so grown up now, this is RIDICULOUS. But awesome.

Jane said...

Wow Chelsea! What beautiful pictures! And what beautiful cousins we have!! James - the handsome of course! Love Jane